Updating, updating updating!

Hello and howdy!

I’m in the process of trying to get my stuff together, things have been very busy for the last few years. My oldest got married, the other two were diagnosed with Thyroid Disease, someone close had a heart attack. Everything is good now, but it’s taken a toll on my ‘podcast’ and keeping up to date.

I’m revamping my sites:  Classroom Hacks   CookiePants Advocacy  I’m also updating  JustNutmeg which will put everything together in one easy to find place.

I’ve been adding in a “Science Docent’ site that supports STEM and STEAM education, particularly girls in elementary science education.

For now, you can find me in one of these places:

Twitter  Pinterest  Instagram  Periscope (I’m @Nutmeg)


So apparently Material Mama’s main website was hacked. Ugh. No, those aren’t pictures I’ve put up. Apparently someone stole my domain. iPowerWeb was the provider and they have not been very helpful in dealing with the issue.

I’m doing my best to resolve it. I have no intention of paying to get my site back so I guess he’ll just have to pound sand. I think they try to use porn to extort people like myself. I’m working on a whole new portal for all my sites.

Until then, please refer to this web page:


– Nutmeg